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Upcoming Events

Throughout 2024, The HIVE has been focusing and working closely with organizations to build The HIVE Partner Network - a collaborative network of community organizations across Fairfield County that will host HIVE Events and pair HIVE Conversations with their programs, all with a shared human-centered theme across the network. Public HIVE Events in 2024, therefore, were limited as we've been building the network and testing different types of events - a few of those public and some in private settings - gathering feedback and input that is necessary in building The HIVE! 


We will be launching The HIVE's first season with The HIVE Partner Network organizations in Q1 2025 with an entire series of public events and HIVE Conversations across Fairfield County - so keep your eyes open for the launch!  For more on our 2024-2025 timeline CLICK HERE


If you believe in what we're doing, consider supporting our activities for the final stretch to launch We have opened up The Golden Honey Donor Campaign for a short time which gives you naming on our site in perpetuity (forever!) and, at certain levels access to a private concert by Frederic. CLICK HERE TO SUPPORT  THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE HIVE!! 

PAST Public Events
Public Pollinator Gathering #1
Artist Storyshare
at the Westport Library

When: Sunday, June 9, 2024, 2-4pm  
Where: Westport Library Trefz Forum 

The theme “Unexpected Human Pollination” was defined as “collaborating with a person or group that was unexpected and possibly unwelcome, but resulted in a surprising and positive impact in the end.” 

Sixteen Artists showed their work and 6 bravely told personal and inspiring stories from the stage, followed by a facilitated conversation with the audience who shared their own thoughts on the theme and their own experiences with “Unexpected Human Pollination,” creating more connection for all.


CLICK HERE to hear the stories and the conversation


CLICK HERE to see and purchase the artwork

Public Pollinator Gathering #2
The LID Sessions by Frederic Chiu Studio at The Westport Library

When: Sunday June 23, 2024, 2-4pm

Where: Westport Library Trefz Forum on the Yamaha Disklavier!​
This event brought 7 non-professional pianists aged 12-94 to the stage to share their personal “Passion Practice,” playing Piano, with an enthusiastic and supportive audience. Performers and audience alike engaged in a lively conversation on the impact of having a “Passion Practice” and how sharing it brings together community in a powerful way. Audience members shared that watching these pianists take the stage made them feel grateful, inspired, impressed and overwhelmed by their bravery. The pianists themselves spoke of being nervous and worried about making mistakes upon taking the stage, but the energy and encouragement of the large crowd made them feel acknowledged and supported and more able to focus on making music – and all were glad for having done it.


CLICK HERE to watch the performances and hear the conversation

If you missed any of these, Sign up to be notified of The Hive events & gatherings As soon as they are scheduled!! 
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